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Unboxing Lab: Update on votes

Thank you for taking part in our Unboxing Lab. The response has been unbelievable so far.


Unbelievable because we didn’t expect so many players. And unbelievable because some vote tallies raised a few eyebrows on our team — but not in a good way.   


During a review of the campaign, we noticed that some participants had exploited a blindspot in the voting process and created scores of fake votes for themselves. (Boo!)


This goes against the community spirit of the Unboxing Lab. And as a team of true gamers, we take a zero-tolerance attitude towards cheating.


So without delay, we’ve taken steps to identify and delete these fraudulent votes. As a result, you might have seen a dip in votes for some participants.


For the majority of you who have played fair, fear not. The web team has added extra measures to prevent vote manipulation from this point onward.


Thank you for playing by the rules. Good luck!



Our goal here at REDMAGIC is to deliver the most complete gaming experience on mobile.

Established in October 2017 as the gaming arm of Nubia, we’ve sought to harness their skill in smartphone design and combine it with a gamer’s determination in achieving high performance  gameplay.

The result? Mobile gaming devices that strike the perfect balance between sleek, ergonomic   hardware and fully optimised software. Gaming smartphones that are powerful, durable, and  cool to the touch.

But we’re just getting started. With the resources we have at our disposal, we’ve made it our   mission to break further ground and unlock the full potential of mobile gaming.